I always enjoy reading letters to the editor in newspapers.  It’s usually the first section I read.  The opinions of John Q. Public are of greater interest to me than the political pundits and so-called experts.

            Can you imagine a world if the printing press had never been invented?  What a dull world it would have been.

            It’s true there is a lot of trash out there but if you know where to look, you can find many nuggets of wisdom as well.

            We all know there are twenty-six letters in our English alphabet but how many words are there in the unabridged dictionary?  We all have access to them but some people are better at arranging them in an entertaining and informative manner.

            Many authors of novels and newspaper columnists are masters at their trade and make us want to read what they have to say.

            How many printed words do we encounter in a given day via television, radio, newspapers, magazines, advertising, labels on merchandise in stores, etc.? I can’t even hazard a guess.    

            With modern computers and the various means of communicating there are even more words going out into cyberspace besides the printed versions. 

From the earliest days of civilization when cavemen drew pictures on the cave walls, man’s lust for expression has been an innate trait.                  

            In today’s world, graffiti is another form of self expression.  I remember one I saw years ago.  It said, “Bernie Sherman likes grils.”  Someone wrote beneath that:  “That’s girls, stupid.”  Another wit added, “But what about us grils?”  I love the American sense of humor.

            Letters to the editor of our newspapers gives us all a voice in today’s events and enable us to relate our opinions of our politicians as well as events that occur that frighten, horrify and also entertain us.

            It may be a form of ego to think that anyone is interested in reading what our opinion is on anything or anyone.  I compare it to an artist who must take out brush and easel to paint a sunset or other beautiful scene he wants to share with the world. 

            So, go ahead, tell us what you think.  Send that letter to the editor you have been thinking about.  You might be surprised to learn how many people agree with you.  But be prepared to find that not everyone shares your feelings.